Seem very web 2.0 / Gikii themed!
Glasgow Caledonian University on 27-28 March 2008
“Law Shaping Technology; Technology Shaping the Law”
Security and privacy of our personal information is becoming a central theme with the rise in social networking technologies and user generated content. Have sites such as Facebook and YouTube responded in a timely and effective manner to safeguard our data, whilst promoting our rights to free speech.
Technology to combat crime, and technology used to assist in crime will also be a central theme of the conference.
Proposals welcome for novel streams and expressions of interest to convene a stream in any of the following areas:
Social networking
Web 2.0 & Law 2.0
Criminal Justice
Technology & Crime
Privacy and data protection
Legal Education
Copyright and IPR
There will be a prize-winning competition for the best Postgraduate Student Paper presented at the conference.
Full papers accepted and presented at the conference will be put forward for peer-review or special editions of journals in the areas of law, technology and education.
Email abstracts of approx 500 words in MS Word or PDF to before 11 Jan 2008. Early submissions and suggestions for streams (including convenors) are welcome.